
Saturday, November 21, 2015

      So over fifty years ago, our country declares its independency claiming that its finally free from shackles of the west and from being oppressed and free from the cages that has been keeping us all imprisoned for almost centuries, free from the strings of the puppeteer’s hands that has been monopolizing our sources and free from the quilt thrown over us keeping us all in the dark.

    Now I heard stories of our ancestors how they tried to keep this land free from the Japanese occupation to when the brits took over. Played with the mind of our people like programmed creatures with inserted microchips, but our ancestors rose and let their bells, scars and wounds be exposed for the world to see that they made a revolution, change and they make this country.

    But upon hearing all those great stories and histories, I wonder... independency from what exactly? Because if free really means free then why is it that I see homeless people still roaming these streets like it’s not even their own country and I see addicts flying high. Why is it that I hear toddlers cursing without even knowing the bare meaning? And people being beaten up like animals and then chopped into 7? Why is it that I see girls being raped and then striped off their virginity? And baby being munched up by flies, rotten like last week’s dinner? Why is it that I see corruption so frequently, money gets to you in a single handshake, bribery being shafted up peoples’ asses, important peoples’ asses?

     I see sons beating up mothers and husbands beating up wives and children coming to me, telling me that life means nothing. And I see muslims morphing into God knows how I can even describe them just because government pushes forward interrogation does not mean that you should stuffed your values under the beds collecting dusts and spider webs. So independency from what exactly? Because if this is how we project our freedom, then might as well pack our bags and move to the moon.

   I’m not trying to be a pest that deflates your patriotism and love towards this country, I’m just concern… what have we become? Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought freedom is about moving forward painting trails towards humanity but instead we’re moving in the opposite direction back to the dark days when men knows no civilization and boundaries.

    So independency from what exactly? Because we’re not yet free to wake up to safe streets and neighborhood every day, not yet free to see women and children not being choked by the hands of the people they love the most, not yet free to practice our rights because anything that comes out of our mouths that seem offensive to you is considered perceptive and sensitive even though it’s true, not yet free to express our thoughts and believes because if it goes against yours then we get arrested and locked away.

   So you might say that tyrants and dictators have long fled from our country but to me, their spirits are left and they sit and soaked in our hearts and in our minds governing our entire body until we bow down to each and every one of their commands because the same two hands that once brought victory to this country are now the ones crumbling it to bits and pieces like breadcrumbs and ashes. So independency from what exactly? Because if you ask me, we’re not yet free.
(creds to adibah awang)

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